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Sunday morning: (Facebook only. Video will populate when the link is added.) It’s time for family worship online! Watch this video with your kids and be ready for some great conversation.

Monday: *PICTURE* For kids, it can be tough to know why they believe something if they’ve always believed it. Here’s a good question to get them thinking about why they believe in Jesus.

Tuesday: *PICTURE* A big part of sharing the good news of Jesus is SHOWING the good news through acts of kindness. This challenge is a great way to do that.

Wednesday: (Facebook only. Video will populate when the link is added.) It’s time for a mid-week praise party. Gather your kids around and rock out to this worship song by Yancy.

Friday: *PICTURE* This weekend, we’ll be hearing the story of the Apostle Paul’s arrest. Not even jail could stop Paul from telling his story of hope through Jesus. Be thinking about your story of hope. How did you come to know Jesus? You’re story doesn’t have to be perfect or even finished to have a big impact on the faith of your family.